Search Results
Your search yielded 36 images
B&W moss covered trun..aple
Black and White of leafless moss covered...
Shallow stream in Jap..rden
Shallow stream flows through moss covered rocks...
Lit Lantern Under Cam..llia
Lantern glowing next to Camellia in Japanese...
Raindrop jewels on sn..aple
Snow at the entrance to Portland Japanese Garden
Misty Mountain Crags ..rait
Mist shrouds Columbia Gorge hillsides
Bare Japanese Maple F..rden
Bare branches of Japanese Maple backlit by sun...
Blossom Window to Hea..alls
Waterfall in Japanese Garden with Cherry Blossoms
Japanese Maple leaf buds
Japanese Maple leaf buds are starting to open...
Path and Pond in Japa..rden
Wooden archway with stone path and stairs...
Silver Falls and Shrooms
Mushrooms in Silver Falls State Park, Oregon
Pair of Wood Ducks st.. log
Pair of Wood Ducks standing on log
Mossy stones and sand..rden
Sand and Stone Garden in the Portland Japanese...
Icy Multnomah Falls -..orge
Multnomah Falls, OR icy in the Winter
Icy Multnomah Falls -..orge
Icy Multnomah Falls during Oregon winter
Jizo Statue in Japane..rden
Jizo statue at entrance to Natural Garden in...
Stone walkway to well..rden
Stone path leads to well and lantern in...
Stone walkway to well..ype)
Stone walkway leads to well in Portland...
Stairs from Natural G..rden
Stairs from Natural Garden in Portland Japanese...
Heron sculpture refle..pond
Heron sculptures reflected in pond in Portland...
Japanese Maple and He..alls
Japanese Maple and Heavenly Falls in the...
Zig zag bridge in Jap..rden
Zig zag bridge in the Portland Japanese Garden
Fall leaves on water ..ocks
Fall leaves on water with mossy rocks
Hooded Merganser Pair..ches
Pair of Hooded Mergansers in calm stream
Fall yellow leaves vi..ream
Japanese Maple with yellow leaves and small stream